AgriKultur Festival Freiburg, July 19-21, 2024

Supported by the City of Freiburg, the Schöck-Familien-Stiftung, the State of Baden Württemberg and HoF (a project of the Freiburg Food Council), agriculture and nutrition were placed in their cultural context!

The 3-day AgriKultur Festival in Eschholzpark and the adjacent Edith-Stein-Schule in Freiburg i.B. from July 19 to 21, 2024 includes:

Lectures and discussions on agriculture and nutrition, regional, organic gastronomy, a farmers’ and information market, workshops on gardening, cooking, chicken farming and more, theater, films and artistic performances, a children’s program and music.

The aims of the festival are to promote dialog between urban and rural areas as well as sustainability and regional structures.

It is free of charge and accessible to all. The festival has been taking place since 2012 and attracted around 7,000 visitors in 2023. It offers both passive and practical learning and networking opportunities. Workshops teach skills such as regenerative horticulture and fruit tree pruning, while panel discussions and networking events promote exchange.

This year’s focus is on food justice, highlighted by various panels and discussions. This includes topics such as subsistence, alternative supermarket structures and “social insurance for food”. There is also a “low-tech” fair with open source tools and technologies for subsistence and agriculture.

Prior to the festival, the AgriKultur Weeks offer excursions, farm visits, lectures, cooking workshops and enjoyment times from June 28.

All information and the current program can be found on the website:


Project sponsor:    AgriKultur e.V.

Funding year:        since 2023

Project no.:            2024-014

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