In the village of Suntakhan, District of Gokarneshwor, women have the opportunity to learn practical basic skills in sewing and tailoring from an experienced seamstress within three months.
The seamstresses are highly motivated, as opportunities for further training are few and far between for Nepalese women, who traditionally marry after they graduate from school and take care of family life. This sewing project gives them the prospect of earning their own income, which they can use to make themselves less dependent on their family structures.
The women, divided into two groups, come to the sewing studio six days a week for two hours each. The lessons take place during lunchtime when the children are still at school, so that as many women as possible can take part.
Project sponsor: Long Yang eV
Project partner: Akasha Academy NGO
Funding year: 2018
Project No.: 82-18si