Brother Xavier has been teaching children from the poorest backgrounds since 1997. Mainly from the red light districts of Kolkata to free them from the environment of violence, exploitation and sexual abuse. For years he taught in very poor circumstances. At some point there were too many children that he tried to place in the schools in the area. He therefore founded his own state-recognized school. There are now more than 300 children and young people who are cared for by the “New Life/New Hope” project, who house and care for them and give them a home. The children grow up in their own faith and their respective festivals are celebrated. The mothers can visit their children every month.
Dozens of teachers are committed and take care of a qualitatively good teaching. “New Life, New Hope” also offers free courses, eg in welding technology, woodworking/joinery, car mechanics, computer courses. If the young people are over 20 years old, everything is set in motion to find them a job and to help them find an apartment. A road project was also started under his guidance. The older students go out to teach and keep children from homeless families camping on the sidewalks of the city busy, doing crafts etc. Many of these children don’t even know what play is.

Brother Xavier has also founded 4 schools in the Sundarbans, the islands of the Ganges delta. Around 900 students are taught there in shifts. The Sundarbans are about 100 km from Kolkata. It is a very poor and underdeveloped area with no electricity, infrastructure and schools.
In May 2020 a cyclone destroyed all schools, we supported it in financing the reconstruction.

Project partners: Missionaries of the Word
Funding year: since 2021
Project no.: 18-13sa