The expansion of a school building was supported as part of a large overall permaculture project. The aim of the educational programs is to enable the target groups to work independently, sustainably and on an equal basis and to build up livelihoods.
4,600 households in 6 rural regions of Ghana (Upper East, Upper West, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern and Volta) are to be enabled to permanently improve their self-sufficiency rate as well as their income and health situation. At 20 mostly rural locations, educational measures designed with the target group will take place in order to counter the problem of poverty synergistically with a combination of resource, forest, environmental and climate protection. Overall, the project activities should make life in the country more attractive, improve the image of the farmer and create new perspectives. Exemplary gardens and demonstration objects are created by the participants, who demonstrate directly to family and community members, as well as to neighbors, how to use their own resources to promote their own independence. In addition to training in permaculture, leadership qualities, participatory approaches and the ability to solve conflicts are also trained in order to strengthen the participation of individuals in the groups.
Project sponsor: Soned eV
Project partner: Ghana Permaculture Institute
Funding year: 2016 – 2017
Project No.: 54-16 se/an