Establishment of Mobile Training Hub in Hingalgani, Sundarbans, West Bengal, India

In addition to the original education centre in the Sundarbans, the project has been expanded and a second mobile learning hub is now fully established in Hingalganj so that more smallholder farmers can benefit from the experiences of the last few years of the project.

The site has been prepared as a model farm and subdivided in such a way that all potential sources of agricultural income can be represented. The terrain includes:
• a rice field with different local rice varieties
• a field of lentils with two local varieties
• Various fruit trees, including banana trees and a mango tree
• a vegetable garden with local vegetables that are particularly good to grow in winter
• special types of flowers that can be dried and sold
• a fish pond with over 10 local species of fish
• Ducks that can produce eggs
• Beehives housing both the Apis Meliffera bee species, which is mainly used for commercial purposes, and the local Apis Cerena Indica species, which produces less honey but is of course important to the local ecosystem.

Among other things, bamboo structures were built, which not only provide shade, but can also be used to grow local vegetables. As part of the preparations for the “exposure visits” and training for the smallholders, local rice varieties were once again conserved. 120 indigenous rice varieties are now being preserved and propagated in both locations. It is an important part of the work that farmers have access to these seeds, which are so well adapted to local conditions.

In the Learning Hub, participants will learn seasonally and experience directly what is realistically possible on a limited area of land if all resources are used optimally.

Project sponsor:          ChildFund Germany e.V.

Project partners:         The Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA) and Mrittika Prayas

Funding year:              since 2017

Project No.:                 73-17ro




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